We are happy to announce that project’s “Together we can” closing event was executed on 20th June.
Project’s manager Paulius Siupienius presented the results of the project and together with other guests Snieguole Cegiene, Olga Nikita, Erika Krasinske, Andzelika Vezbaviciute and Zemyna Lekecinskaite discussed many different topics like CBITS and Bounce back programs, violence among children situation in Lithuania, legal violence among children regulation, social media dangers for children etc. We also had very special and inspirational story, when Erika told us about her full of violence childhood and about the book called “Daugher” which she wrote about personal violence experience later when she grew up.
The host of the event was Nijole Pareigyte-Rukaitiene.
Thank you everybody for being with us. Together we can!